Not just for humans: Explanation for agent-to-agent communication

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Giuseppe Vizzari, Matteo Palmonari, Andrea Orlandini (a cura di)
AIxIA 2020 DP — AIxIA 2020 Discussion Papers Workshop, pp. 1–11
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (AI*IA Series) 2776
Sun SITE Central Europe, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
novembre 2020

Once precisely defined so as to include just the explanation’s act, the notion of explanation should be regarded as a central notion in the engineering of intelligent system—not just as an add-on to make them understandable to humans. Based on symbolic AI techniques to match intuitive and rational cognition, explanation should be exploited as a fundamental tool for inter-agent communication among heterogeneous agents in open multi-agent systems. More generally, explanation-ready agents should work as the basic components in the engineering of intelligent systems integrating both symbolic and sub-/non-symbolic AI techniques.

parole chiaveexplanation, rational vs. intuitive cognition, multi-agent systems, agent communication, noetics vs. semiotics, transformation of semiotic register
presentazione di riferimento
page_white_powerpointNot just for humans: Explanation for agent-to-agent communication (AIxIA 2020, 27/11/2020) — Andrea Omicini (Andrea Omicini)
evento origine
worldAIxIA 2020 DP@AIxIA 2020
rivista o collana
book CEUR Workshop Proceedings (
progetto finanziatore
wrenchAI4EU — A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem (01/01/2019–31/12/2021)
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pubblicazione di riferimento per presentazione
page_white_powerpointNot just for humans: Explanation for agent-to-agent communication (AIxIA 2020, 27/11/2020) — Andrea Omicini (Andrea Omicini)