Efficient compliance checking of RDF data

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Livio Robaldo, Francesco Pacenza, Jessica Zangari, Roberta Calegari, Francesco Calimeri, Giovanni Siragusa
Journal of Logic and Computation
giugno 2023

Automated compliance checking, i.e. the task of automatically assessing whether states of affairs comply with normative systems, has recently received a lot of attention from the scientific community, also as a consequence of the increasing investments in Artificial Intelligence technologies for the legal domain (LegalTech). The authors of this paper deem as crucial the research and implementation of compliance checkers that can directly process data in RDF format, as nowadays more and more (big) data in this format are becoming available worldwide, across a multitude of different domains. Among the automated technologies that have been used in recent literature, to the best of our knowledge, only two of them have been evaluated with input states of affairs encoded in RDF format. This paper formalizes a selected use case in these two technologies and compares the implementations, also in terms of simulations with respect to shared synthetic datasets.

evento origine
rivista o collana
book Journal of Logic and Computation (JLC)
pubblicazione contenitore
page_white_acrobatSpecial Issue “Computational Logic on Prolog's 50th Anniversary: Highlights from CILC 2022” (numero speciale, 2023) — Roberta Calegari, Giovanni Ciatto, Andrea Omicini
progetto finanziatore
wrenchCompuLaw — Computable Law (01/11/2019–31/10/2025)