Wiki source code of Publications

Show last authors
1 {{velocity}}
2 #set( $tag = 'MoK' )
3 {{/velocity}}{{include reference="Publications.Clouds.OneTag" excludeFirstHeading="true"/}}
5 >{{stringEngIta eng='Selected Publication Groups on' ita='Gruppi di pubblicazioni selezionate su'/}} {{mok/}}
7 * [[{{mok/}} Foundations>>Foundations]] — Foundational articles on {{mok/}}
8 * [[{{mok/}} News>>News]] — Articles discussing the application of the {{mok/}} model to news management
9 * [[{{mok/}} & Social Action>>SocialAction]] — Articles discussing the impact of {{mok/}} on socio-technical systems
10 * [[{{mok/}} & Expressiveness>>Expressiveness]] — Articles discussing the expressiveness of {{mok/}}
12 {{include reference="MoK.Environment" excludeFirstHeading="true"/}}

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